I love Risk II, but found a few things that could be made even better. I love building up plenty of armies when fighting all Neutral countries (Such as when you set all players, including yourself, temporarily, to be Neutral), but I hate keeping Risk in the foreground while just building up. Also, in the color version, the strategy icons in the Player Info box vanished. I wanted to share what I did with everyone out there, so here it is!
What it is:
A patch for Antonie J. Engel's Risk! II (a colorized version of Risk, and as of the creation of this document, available from your local Info-Mac archive).
What it does:
Allows RISK to run in the background, and makes the color icons in the Player Info dialog box show up.
How I did it (If you don't know what a resource is, don't worry about this part):
The entire patch was made with ResEdit and Update Maker. The backgrounding was simple to add--I just flipped the "Can Background" bit on in the SIZE resources. The dialog box was also easy--I found that the dialog box was just pointing to the old, black and white icons (which had been deleted in the colorization process). I simply updated the dialog box to point to the color icons. Last, I added a note to the built in help.
How to play Risk:
Built in help is in Risk. It's been there ever since the black and white version.
Yeah right. You think anyone would *pay* for this?!? This would be freeware in any case. It's the Macintosh Way--to help other Macintosh users.
Finally, a Mac plug--This just goes to show how easily you can fix programs using their resource fork. Try *that* on a Wintel machine!